Buckskin Lodge has again issued 3 two-piece sets for the 2006 NOAC using there usual OBV wolf theme. This time the three sets make up a larger design with a flag background.
BB Style stats:
S44 M/C C M/C WHT WHT FDL; WHT 412 MSU NOAC 2006 Wolf Drummer with Ordeal Sash w/X16
X16 M/C C RED RED RED FDL; RED 412 WWW NOAC 2006 Wolf Drummer with Ordeal Sash w/S44
S45 M/C C M/C WHT BLU FDL; WHT 412 MSU NOAC 2006 Wolf Fife player with Brotherhood Sash w/X17
X17 M/C C M/C WHT RED FDL; WHT 412 WWW NOAC 2006 Wolf Fife player with Brotherhood Sash w/S45
S46 M/C C BLU WHT BLU FDL; WHT 412 MSU NOAC 2006 Wolf Drummer with Vigil Sash w/X18
X18 M/C C M/C WHT WHT FDL; WHT 412 WWW NOAC 2006 Wolf Drummer with Vigil Sash w/S46
[phpbay]Buckskin Lodge #412, 10[/phpbay]
“Not only are they commemorated by columns and inscriptions, but there dwells also an unwritten memorial of them, graven not on stone but in the hearts of men.” –Pericles