Half Moon Lodge #28 has issued 3 flaps for the 2005 National Jamboree. The Flap will likely be labeled S30, 31, and 32. They have the same design but 3 different border colors. There will eb a trader and two flavors of delegate. Not sure which is which yet but will update this postb when known
BB Style Stats:
S30 BLU R BLU RED YEL FDL WHT BSA Rip Van Winkle Council YEL National Jamboree 2005 – Trader
S31 WHT R BLU RED YEL FDL WHT BSA Rip Van Winkle Council YEL National Jamboree 2005 – Delegate
S32 RED R BLU RED YEL FDL WHT BSA Rip Van Winkle Council YEL National Jamboree 2005 – Delegate