Ho De No Sau Nee Lodge 159 has issued 3 flaps as fundraisers for the 2006 NOAC, although the flaps do not mention NOAC. The design is the same as the S1&2 issues with 3 different border colors.
Tentative BB Stats:
S31 RED R M/C BLK BLU FDL RED 159, WWW Design of S2 NOAC 2006 Fundraiser, does not mention NOAC
S32 WHT R M/C RED WHT FDL RED 159, WWW Design of S2 NOAC 2006 Fundraiser, does not mention NOAC
S33 BLU R M/C RED WHT FDL RED 159, WWW Design of S2 NOAC 2006 Fundraiser, does not mention NOAC
Thanks to Don Izard for the information.
[phpbay]Ho-De-No-Sau-Nee #159, 5[/phpbay]