Ktemaque Lodge #15 has issued 3 2-piece sets for the 2004 NOAC. Each Set will have the same design (apparently taken from the J3 or J4) with a different border color.
A Red Bordered Trader,
S25 Red R M/C BLK M/C FDL outlined YEL BLK 15 NOAC 2004 w/X3
X3 RED R M/C WHT M/C FDL outlined YEL WHT 15 w/S25
a White Bordered Contingent (2 per contingent member)
S26 WHT R M/C BLK M/C FDL outlined YEL BLK 15 NOAC 2004 w/X4
X4 WHT R M/C WHT M/C FDL outlined YEL WHT 15 w/S26
and a Blue Bordered Fundraiser.
S27 BLU R M/C BLK M/C FDL outlined YEL BLK 15 NOAC 2004 w/X5
X5 BLU R M/C WHT M/C FDL outlined YEL WHT 15 w/S27
A copy of the Trader is below, all of the designs are the same except for the border color: