Tschipey Achtu Lodge #397 (or #95) 2012 NOAC Delegate Set S9 X5

Bill Boyle sends along the second of two NOAC sets from Tschipey Achtu Lodge #397. This set, the delegate set should be designated the S9 and X5. It shares the design of the fundraiser and trader sets, but adds “Contingent” to the design.

Tschipey Achtu Lodge #397 (or #95) 2012 NOAC Delegate Set S9 X5

The stats for this set should be:
S9 PUR R M/C RED YEL FDL; RED WWW, NOAC 2012 YEL MSU RED Contingent w/X5 Smoke Deer
X5 PUR R M/C RED DBR FDL; RED WWW, NOAC 2012 Michigan State University RED Contingent w/S9 Smoke Deer


[phpbay]Tschipey Achtu Lodge, 10[/phpbay]

“Be master of your petty annoyances and conserve your energies for the big, worthwhile things.
It isn’t the mountain ahead that wears you out – it’s the grain of sand in your shoe.” – Robert W. Service

Author: nyoatrader
To share information about new or newly discovered Order of the Arrows patches, flaps, odd-shapes, neckerchiefs, event and chapter issues from New York State Order of the Arrow Lodges, warnings about fakes, spoof, and reproductions and any other information that may be of interest to New York State OA Collectors.

4 thoughts on “Tschipey Achtu Lodge #397 (or #95) 2012 NOAC Delegate Set S9 X5

  1. I note that the text on the patch reads “CONTIGENT”, with a missing “N”.

  2. I received the following information on the misspelling:

    ” must have looked at the patch over a dozen times before I realized the misspelling. I talked to the Lodge Staff Adviser. There will not be a corrected version.”

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